Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Weekly Muse

What we have here in a conflagration of final allergy messiness.

Laryngitis accompanied by a sore throat plus exhaustion.  It's an unwelcome combo to say the least.

Cuz I'm lucky like this.  It's become an annual thing - this laryngitis business.  And so far as I'm concerned it has definitely outstayed it's welcome.


Ah - this too shall pass.  And I did aggravate it yesterday but all in a good cause.  For it was the annual department picnic.  Organized by myself and some dedicated co-workers, this was our 6th year at the gloriously beautiful Wickham Park.  Reserving their largest pavilion gives us access to two very large charcoal braziers, some dozen picnic tables, several large serving tables and the all-important - bathrooms.

Many people contribute to the success of this event.  Our senior leaders buy all the meats, breads, beverages and paper goods.  The employees volunteer to bring potluck items to round out the picnic smorgasbord.  Everything from ethnic foods from India and China to traditional American fare like macaroni salad.  Chips. Dips. Guacamole. Cookies. Brownies.

Oh my!

And there is a picnic soundtrack contributed by yours truly.  From the above (which I can't stop listening to - it's playing as I type this...again) to the below.

A long-standing personal favorite; I'd have to say that Boston is one of my all-time favorite groups - ever.  It's a great mix of music from all over the spectrum.

All thru the day - I am on duty along with the core planning team.  Seeing to the set-up, clean-up and everything in between.  Laying out food, making sure there is enough of everything available, refreshing beverages in coolers, monitoring the cooks for burgers & dogs served hot & fresh.

It's a great day - everyone relaxes, there are plenty of games to amuse those who need it and ample conversation that you don't normally get during the busy workday.

Which is why my voice is nearly non-existent today.  I had the chance to talk to friends at work in a way that isn't the norm in the office.  Casual conversation, not centered on work or the demands of those around us.  Refreshingly we learn that we are all just human beings with lives outside of the cubicle lives, filled with family & friends and pursuits beyond protecting the bottom lie of the fortune 100.

And in the 6 years we've done this picnic - the weather has always been glorious.  There were a couple of years - like yesterday - that were a little warmer than we'd like rain.  Very little humidity, light breezes blowing thru the woods around the Pavilion.

It's a great day. And an exhausting one for me.  So I left the party a tad early, drove home in the quiet and stayed that way once indoors.  Went to bed early and was plagued by odd dreams.

I might need a nap today.  And more silence.

It's all good though.  Great way to kick off the summer months for 70 hard-working people. 

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping they appreciate you Kris. Outings like that are essential to morale. They help people bond and get to know each other.

    Well done!

    Now get some rest...
