Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fizziness, Peace and Static

Photography - it is one of the sweetest spots in my life.

My inspiration and motivation for it comes in fits and starts; I can go weeks not even touching the camera bag and then - BAM! - you can't keep the camera out of my hands.

Sunset on Anna Maria Island, west coast of FL.
Of course vacationing in a place like the west coast of Florida gives many opportunities for gorgeous photographs like the one above and the one below.

Sunset on Anna Maria Island, west coast of FL
And of course living in New England - it's a bounty of opportunities nearly every day.  And that's where the motivation comes in.

Inspiration is everywhere and I used to carry all my camera equipment in the car wherever I went.  It's how I got images like this one:

Lake Terramuggus in Marlborough, CT
For some reason, years ago, I just stopped carting the equipment around.  Maybe I got bored... there was a time when what I saw was all one-dimensional and flat.  No inspiration was going to come when I could barely see colors.  Believe me, even though I tried the results of those efforts during that time were - not publishable.

These days the camera goes where I go only when I travel.  A dear friend recently purchased a gorgeous house in the northern mountains of Vermont and it's given me ample opportunity for some really unique and, quite frankly, jaw-dropping photographs.

Lenticular Clouds forming over the Summit of Mount Washington in the White Mountains of NH.
I need to find a way to hold onto that feeling in the pit of my stomach when I capture such pictures; it's a fizzy feeling.  Laughter bubbles up from deep inside my soul - joyous, happy laughing at my great good fortune to be present for such visual feasts as this.

Early morning fog on the CT River in Northern VT; White Mountains in NH in the background.
The laughter can turn to happy tears as I contemplate the wonders of nature and the handiwork of God.  It can be - overwhelming.

Holding on to those feelings during the grind of daily life these days can be daunting. But I must find a way - with the bad news in the world coming in from every side I feel that I need to cling to those things that give my soul peace.

My camera bag. My tripod. The Oracle. My Faith.

These are the things that matter.  All else is just - static.

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