Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Weekly Muse

What an absolutely glorious morning. Crisp air that hints at the coming autumn; bright sun bringing warmth without the harshness of summer's light. The last of the Hydrangeas in a small vase on the deck; fresh coffee on the table beside me. The Oracle, my gentle husband, curled up next to me.

On days like this - struggles seem very distant and all things seem possible.

Like the fingers of Michael Jones, passing so lightly over the piano keys, my spirit feels incredibly delicate yet as clear as the opening notes to the magnificent song above.

Life - has continued to kick me around more than I would like.  There are good days, like today, and I revel in them.  Like a cat giving cherished "bumps" to a beloved human, days like today are metaphorically bumped by my very soul.  I drink in the scents on the breeze - Lemon Grass from the deck plantings, Basil from the herb garden, the sweet smell of decaying plant life and the dampness from the deep woods behind me.

It all gives me hope that maybe, after 5 weeks of the deepest, darkest torment and pain of my life, the good days will finally outnumber the bad.

Because the bad - are bad. The put your head down and push through kind of bad. The days where you don't want to make eye contact with anyone because you know they will see into your heart; defenses are nil.  The kind of day when you go out to lunch with an old friend and insist that you sit outside on a very hot day so you can wear your sunglasses and the friend won't see the pain behind your eyes.

A succession of those bad days puts you down for the count in equal quantity.

But then a day like today comes - and you believe in the deepest places of your existence that the struggles you have faced with such courage - you really believe that you will overcome them.

With air this beautiful, that smells so can it not be possible.

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