Saturday, October 17, 2015

In The Silence

Crisp.  Chilly.  Breezy.


That is the order of our day today.  A quiet morning - indulged in a lovely, decadent second cup of coffee.

And now - fresh bread is baking, laundry is whirring and soft, gentle music pours forth from the Bose docking station.

This soundtrack music is - well, it's just...hmmm..........

I really have no words.  I have - feelings. Oh, so many of those. This music stirs my very soul, the essence of my being.  It is the musical form of my Tao.

The movie - Saving Sarah Cain - is a gem of a little film.  A story of true redemption.  About a person who seemed - unredeemable.  It is a story about acceptance, honor, sacrifice and the kind of true love that goes so deep its roots are not traceable.  It is a film I highly recommend to matter where you are in your life, Sarah Cain will remind you of a part of yourself that, perhaps, you have ignored - or worse, forgotten - in the rush and hum of life.

Life - it does intrude, doesn't it.  It steals time so quietly that it's almost too late before you realize it.  You must be vigilant - ever-protective of those quiet moments that can just come upon you.

Moments of such perfect peace that they take your breath away.  Moments that allow the quiet to settle on you like a warm, comfy blanket; cocooning you in peace & serenity.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

Seek it, my friends.  Seek out that kind of quiet because if you don't - as The Oracle and I have learned in such dramatic fashion in the past few months - you might lose a piece of yourself and never get it back.

The Oracle and I have been on a self-imposed exile since the last weekend of July.  We cleared our calendars of obligations and commitments so that we could focus on ourselves and each other.  At first we said - let's do this thru the end of August.  Then we said - thru the end of September.'s thru the end of the year.  We do what we have to and we delicately pick thru what we want to do - and even in that we are judicious about what we say yes to.  We have focused our time, attention and energy on - just the 2 of us.

It's been - rewarding, boring, exhilarating and peaceful.  A time to renew our own Tao both as individuals and as a couple (though I think The Oracle would look at me in that oh-so-tolerant and bemused way at the word "Tao").  A time for deep, personal reflection.  Some days it's a time to talk - so much talk, so much conversation.  Other times, like today - it's quiet.

I sit here - typing away madly.  The Oracle sits across from me - just idly surfing the 'web.  We break our stride every so often to look at each other - maybe ask a question, maybe talk about something we are thinking about.

Sometimes - we just sit quietly and say nothing at all.  Because in that silence, we say so much.  We hear God between us in that silence.  His grace fills us, sustains us, nourishes us.  His love - is our love.


  1. Kris,
    Buck's SN2 here... I was reading my Dad's blog this morning and saw your comment from earlier this year and thought I'd stop by your place and see what you're up to.

    I enjoyed your post... I envy the time you've taken for what is truly important in life. Too often most people get caught up in "providing" for their lives, and in the process of surviving, they fail to live.

    I hope you are well... I've read MANY of your comments over the years and very much appreciate the friendship you had with my father; it brought him joy.

    Take wonderful care,

    1. Sam...thank you for stopping by! I've been thinking about your dad a lot these past few months. He was a very special friend and I think of you guys, wondering how you are doing, it's very nice to hear from you and I hope these holidays pass in peace...and maybe just a little joy. I'm sure your dad will be watching over all of you - see-gar in hand with that blue eyed twinkle resting on each of you. Trust me...he is missed in circles far and wide.

  2. Kris,
    SN1 and I are both well... busy with careers and family. The fact that I mentioned careers first is indicative of the fact my priorities are misaligned... but I digress.
    Thanks for your kind words. I hope you and yoursee have a warm and merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year!

